The Growing Healthy Places Team supports city and town planners to promote physical activity by developing pedestrian and bicycle friendly communities that offer convenient, accessible, and safe non-motorized links between residents, schools, shopping and recreational facilities. Active lifestyles can be encouraged by incorporating well-designed, mixed-use development that permits a high quality of life with non-vehicular and multi-modal options to conduct daily living.
Complete Streets
Complete Streets are streets for everyone. They are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities. Complete Streets make it easy to cross the street, walk to shops, and bicycle to work. The Growing Healthy Places Team provides resources, promotes, encourages and educates ArCOP's Growing Healthy Communities to become complete streets at the local level across the state to make a big impact on the health of Arkansas.
Pop-ups are designed to demonstrate how a city block can revitalize a single commercial block in an underused neighborhood corridor. Underused corridors are typically filled with vacant properties, wide streets, and few amenities for people who lived within walking distance. A group of community organizers, neighbors, and property owners gather resources from the community and convert the block into a walkable, bikeable neighborhood destination for people of all ages. Additions typically include bike lanes, cafe seating, trees, plants, signage , pop-up businesses, and lighting. This project demonstrates how a community block can be revived to improve safety, health, and economics through modification and removal of ordinances that restricted small business and multi-modal infrastructure.
Team Meetings
The Growing Healthy Places Team meets on the second Thursday of every month from 1:00 – 3:00 pm.
Want to get involved?
- Sign up here.
- Make sure to check the Access to the Growing Healthy Places Team option in the last box “Serve on an ArCOP Workgroup Team”
Northwest Razorback Greenway Resources
Contact the Co-Chair

Dave Roberts, ArCOP Built Environment Team Co-Chair
Office: (501) 748-8252
Cell: (501) 590-5956

Vanessa Smith, ArCOP Built Environment Team Co-Chair
Office: (501) 912-4760