Rolling Application
Submit the simple annual application to be recognized for your efforts! Awards will be announced at the Annual Meeting of the Members in January each year.
Submit your Application today!
Hometown Health Improvement/Growing Healthy Communities Survey
The Arkansas Department of Health "Hometown Health Improvement" and the Arkansas Coalition for Obesity Prevention "Growing Healthy Communities" announce the merging of their recognition programs into one, easy application! ADH's HHI project has been collecting data on Arkansas communities, formerly known as the Quality Management tool for about 15 years. ArCOP has been recognizing community achievements in improving policy, systems, and environments around access to healthy food and physical activity for about 10 years. Since many communities participate in both programs, we have joined forces to gather information through the use of one tool! We also have several HHI staff that work with Growing Healthy Communities, and are even on the Board of Directors for ArCOP. What a great time to try to align our data collection tools! We hope to accomplish several outcomes with this alignment:
- Encourage smaller GHCs to come together at the county level to complete this application,
- To strengthen and expand partnerships and collaborations in a larger geographic area
- Expand policy, systems and environmental (PSE) change to larger organizational and community-wide efforts
- Grow efforts to engage hard-to-reach and disadvantaged populations
- Achieve and maintain buy-in from elected officials and other high level organizations leaders, i.e. hospital CEO, school superintendent, etc.
The Hometown Health Improvement support staff is prepared to help you navigate this tool and get your completed surveys submitted in a timely fashion. We have asked them to be the contact point to gather the appropriate county/local contacts to be able to provide complete information on your county. We have asked them to upload documents that support and document the answers you provide. If you are applying for Growing Healthy Community recognition status, ArCOP's Board of Directors will make the final determination of the recognition level based on the information provided. We are looking for policy, systems, and environmental changes that promote and sustain healthy families and healthy lives.
To HHI Support Staff:
As we make a concerted effort to align the HHI Quality Management Tool with ArCOP's GHC recognition application, we request your assistance with completing the tool with ALL counties in Arkansas.
We know that you are the most knowledgeable person in the county on local groups that should be included in this assessment. Please schedule a time with the LHU Administrator, HHI Coalition Chair, GHC contact(s), and any other contract that might be able to contribute information to this application. We will ask you to upload some documents to verify the work. These documents should be saved as pdf files. If the county you are working with is applying for GHC status, points will be awarded according to the level of information provided, as well as the strategies that have been implemented (not just planned). The ArCOP Board of Directors will make the final determination of the recognition level based on the information provided. Remember that the more successful collaborations you can show, the higher the score will be. We aren't looking for "programs." We are looking for policy, systems, and environmental changes that promote and sustain healthy families and healthy lives.
Frequently Asked Questions

How do we know what level to apply for?
Your team will complete the GHC Recognition Level application and the ArCOP board will score and determine your community's level of Emerging, Blossoming or Thriving. ArCOP Executive Team will review your application and notify your team what designation you have been awarded prior to the public announcement at the Annual Meeting of the Members.
What constitutes a “community”?
You tell us how you are identifying as a community. ArCOP awards communities in three categories:
- Counties: County-wide coalitions/teams whose members represent (at minimum) state agencies and multiple city governments within the county. Focus: health of the whole county.
- Cities: City-wide coalitions/teams whose members represent (at minimum) city officials and community members. Focus: health of the whole city.
What does it mean by “team”?
When ArCOP began the Growing Healthy Communities initiative, we determined that each community needed to have a team of champions to make policy, system and environmental changes. These roles include:
- The mayor or city elected official
- Civic government
- Health educators & healthcare professionals
- Education professionals
- Employers
- Retirees
- Youth
- Community volunteers from all diversity groups represented in your community
When you’re looking at who is currently on your team right now, ask yourself “Who would be able to describe the efforts we’re making to get our community healthier?” and make sure that each one that you list KNOWS you listed them, knows what ArCOP is and knows what Growing Healthy Communities is.
What will my community receive?
Each community will receive a certificate with its name, Growing Healthy Communities recognition level, and year awarded. The communities will be listed on the Growing Healthy Communities map and, in general, ArCOP will give lots of “shout outs” and love throughout the next year. If ArCOP receives funding for projects, these active Growing Healthy Communities will get “first dibs” to benefit from it.
What happens if my community doesn’t apply but has been a “Growing Healthy Community” in the past?
Your community will become an “inactive” Growing Healthy Community. It will be listed on the Growing Healthy Communities map under a heading such as “ArCOP has also worked with….” These communities will still be kept in the loop on all ArCOP announcements, but will get “second dibs” when funding/training/other awesomeness is available.
How will I know if my community will receive an award?
A Board Member or the Executive Director will notify you. If we have questions while reviewing your application, we’ll follow up with you using the contact information you provided on the submission page. Otherwise, you’ll receive an email announcing your award.