Annual Meeting of the Members

ArCOP has been a statewide Coalition since the summer of 2007. Each year ArCOP holds an Annual Meeting of the Members in July. Some years the meeting is held in person and in others it is held virtually. The agenda includes news and updates for all of the Coalition's ongoing programs.
2024 Meeting of the Members
The 2024 Annual Meeting of the Members was held virtually on Facebook. Meeting segments are found below. First, we hear from President Katrina Betancourt. She discussed our mission and the latest initiatives the Coalition is undertaking. In the second presentation we hear from Outreach Coordinator Steve Powell on how ArCOP is communicating with its members, partners, and the public. Jeremy Adams is the Program Director for Double Up Food Bucks and the Arkansas Farmers Market Association. In the third segment, he breaks down the numbers and the mission of both. Finally, Katrina Betancourt announces the honorees of our annual Growing Healthy Children Recognition Program.