Growing Healthy Kids

Encourage Arkansas schools & school districts to collaborate with parents and communities to create a unified environment that promotes healthy eating and physical activity for children from Pre-school through the 12th grade.
Growing Healthy Classrooms
Click here to complete the Early Childcare application online.
Click here to complete the Primary and Secondary application online.
Click here to complete the Out of School Time application online.
The applications are active starting September 23rd and are due November 22nd. Recognition will be given in three categories: Emerging, Blossoming, and Thriving.
Winners will also receive a press toolkit, which includes a parent letter, drafted social media posts and a newspaper article template.
Go NAPSACC is an important tool for early childhood care providers. From mealtime, to playtime, to story time, children have lots of opportunities each day to learn and practice healthy habits. Go NAPSACC is a trusted online tool that helps child care programs go the extra mile to support children’s healthy eating and physical activity.

CATCH Kids Club
CATCH Kids Club provides children with the knowledge and skills to make healthy food choices and be physically active in a format that is fun and engaging. Our program is a condensed one hour, one day a week format. Topics include Physical Activity, "Go, Slow, and Whoa Foods", Snacking, Reading Nutrition Labels, Beverages, Fast Foods, and Breakfast.

Nutrition & Physical Activity Toolkit
Nutrition & Physical Activity Toolkit: Created by the Growing Healthy Kids Team within the Arkansas Coalition for Obesity Prevention (ArCOP), this toolkit is designed to bring resources related to school nutrition and physical activity to one location. Watch for the most recent edition. If you experience problems downloading the toolkit from the link, email Amy Routt (chair).
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
Breakfast in the Classroom:
Contact the Growing Healthy Kids Advisors

Amy Routt, Growing Healthy Kids Advisor
Work: (501) 514-8414

Daphne Gaulden, Growing Healthy Kids Advisor
[Office] 501.212.7460