Healthy Activities
Get Creative With Your Workout Equipment

Cardio: Moderate vs. Vigorous Intensity
Workouts don't have to be complicated, just completed. Here's an easy way to think about exercise every week. This helps us understand the intensity levels and amounts of aerobic activity needed to reach our goals.

Chair Stretches
Stretching is a vital part of good health. Here's some simple stretches you can do from home or in your office chair. These take just minutes to do and you'll feel better the rest of the day. Use each different stretch to target a different part of the body. Focus on the neck, the shoulders, or your whole body. Be sure to check out the companion video that goes with each stretch. Give these a try and we bet you'll make them part of your daily routine.
Chair Stretching "Total Body Stretches"
Chair Stretching "Neck Stretches"
Chair Stretching "Shoulder Stretches"
Parking Lot Circuits
Don't have time to exercise because you're stuck at work? Here's a plan that will keep you active without leaving the parking lot. Try these circuits at lunch, before or after work. We've mapped out a Monday/Wednesday/Friday plan for you with these three circuits. Find a co-worker and get moving!
CATCH Health at Home: Be a CATCH MVP!
This series of videos are part of our CATCH Health at Home materials. We discuss immune systems and what we can do to keep them strong. Being a CATCH MVP means (M)oving more, (V)aluing healthy eating, and (P)racticing healthy behaviors. Be sure to click on the buttons below the videos to get the additional materials mentioned in the lessons.
Healthy Home Activity Ideas
Our Health Education Coordinator Ashleigh Story provides fun ways to eat healthier and stay active. Her videos include recipe ideas, cooking demonstrations and tips to get families moving. She also has games and activities that are designed to enjoy as a group at home.
Healthy Activities

30 Minute Body Weight Exercises
Daily physical activity is one of the most important factors in maintaining good health. A weekly exercise routine will insure you're getting the movement your body needs. This plan requires only 30 minutes a few times a week and no expensive equipment. All you need is your desire to feel better. Below you'll find an exercise plan for the first three weeks. After you've completed that... Repeat or make up your own. Just get moving! Remember to check with your healthcare provider before starting any exercise program.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Fun for the Kids
Click on any of the buttons below to find creative fun ways to keep kids moving. Remember the family that stays active together also stays healthier and happier.
Sleep and Obesity
Sleep Matters! Getting enough sleep is critical to maintaining a healthy body weight. Check out all the reasons why you should prioritize bed time.

CATCH Health at Home
With schools across the country closing due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), it’s important to keep kids engaged, healthy, and active at home. The CATCH Global Foundation has released “Health at Home” – a free set of health, nutrition, and physical education materials that require limited space and supervision.
Our Health Education Coordinator, Ashleigh Story, is providing K-8th Grade lessons right to your home! Some of these lessons have supporting documents and homework to follow along.
Lessons cover "Go, Slow, & Whoa" foods as well as "Go" Activities. Let's keep our minds and bodies moving together!
To contact Ashleigh please don't hesitate to email her
If lessons have supporting documents they can be accessed by pressing the button below the video.
CATCH Health at Home for Kindergarten
CATCH Health at Home for 1st Grade
CATCH Health at Home for 2nd Grade
CATCH Health at Home for 3rd Grade
CATCH Health at Home for 4th Grade
CATCH Health at Home for 5th Grade
CATCH Health at Home for 6th Grade
CATCH Health at Home for 7th Grade
CATCH Health at Home for 8th Grade