Online Nutrition and Physical Activity Self Assessment for Child Care
Go NAPSACC is the Division-approved tool for self assessments in Child Nutrition and Physical Activity based on Levels 2-6 of Arkansas Better Beginnings. Go NAPSACC supports the adoption of best practices that promote healthy eating and physical activity among young children. Below you'll find an interactive map of all programs that have participated with Go NAPSACC.
Go NAPSACC Introduction and Provider Training
In this video our Health Education Coordinator Ashleigh Story details how licensed Early Childhood Care Providers can take part in "Go NAPSACC", an online program that supports healthy childcare. With Go NAPSACC’s easy-to-use online tools and an online library of videos, activities, and flyers, ECE programs are led through a process to create environments with improved nutrition and physical activity for children. Please contact Ashleigh at Ashleigh.Story@arkansasobesity.org to receive your connection code and get started.
You can also visit the "Go NAPSACC" homepage to explore all the tools they have to offer.
November Newsletter

Growing Healthy Children Recognition

Our Growing Healthy Children Recognition Awards honor Go NAPSACC enrolled early childhood care providers who are excelling in the program. We encourage you to apply annually to get the recognition you deserve for making Arkansas's children healthier. You may also be awarded incentives to help your facility achieve its goals. We award recognition at three levels: Emerging, Blossoming and Thriving. The application deadline is in June 15, 2024. You can view the criteria by visiting the application page to better understand how recognition is awarded.
Growing Healthy Children Recognition Honorees
Central Arkansas Christian Academy
Central Arkansas Christian Academy in Greenbrier, Arkansas was honored as a 2023 "Emerging" program by ArCOP's Growing Healthy Children Recognition team. When we visited in mid-April they showed us how they utilize Go NAPSACC to not only make the kids in their care healthier, but also how the staff benefits from the flexibility of the program.
Carousel Learning and Discovery Center
We are proud to award Carousel Learning and Discovery Center our highest level of Recognition in 2023. The Lonoke, Arkansas early childhood care provider achieved "Thriving" status during the year. Their efforts within the Go NAPSACC program showed their dedication to the health and education of the children in their care. They received $500 worth of incentives to allow them to further their goals. Please watch the video to hear more about the program and how Go NAPSACC improved their facility. Congratulations to everyone at Carousel Learning and Discovery Center.
Open Arms Learning Center
The Arkansas Coalition for Obesity Prevention was proud to award Open Arms Learning Center in Mountain Home Blossoming status with our annual Growing Healthy Children Recognition program. Check out why Jill Wilson and the staff of this early childhood care facility are so deserving.
Noah's Ark Preschool
Here's another program worthy of Blossoming Recognition. Mercedes Smith and her staff at Noah's Ark Preschool in Mountain Home deserve this honor for constantly striving to enrich the lives and the health of their students (plus a couple of chickens). They've truly embraced Go NAPSACC. Congratulations on your $300 incentives package and all your hard work.
Tiny Toes Daycare
The Arkansas Coalition for Obesity Prevention traveled to Paragould to Recognize Tiny Toes Daycare for their achievements within the Go NAPSACC program. Anna Weaver and her staff received "Blossoming" status for the year. Along with a certificate, Tiny Toes also got $300 in incentives to help the program with their health goals. We thank them for all their hard work.
Go NAPSACC in Action
Go NAPSACC is making a healthy difference in the lives of Arkansas children. Childcare providers across the state are using this free online program to instill better eating habits and encourage physical activity. We followed ArCOP's Health Education Coordinator and statewide TA Ashleigh Story as she visited Family First Childcare in Greenbrier, Arkansas to see why Go NAPSACC is such a powerful tool.
Go NAPSACC: The Arkansas Story
Better Together was a 3 year project completed by ArCOP and Curricula Concepts. This project supported the adoption of best practices that promote healthy eating and physical activity among young children through program level and state system-level improvements targeting early care and education (ECE) settings. Go NAPSACC is the program and toolset through which these best practices were implemented. Better Together was researched to document the change that occurs in Arkansas.
The program began early in 2020 with a convening of key stakeholders in each of the participating 4 states. These stakeholders selected two state system-level actions that will help to improve healthy eating and physical activity policies and practices in ECE programs. Each state implemented the learning collaboratives that support ECE programs in their journey to improve their healthy eating and physical activity practices. Additionally, the Go NAPSACC platform has been made available free of charge to all licensed ECE programs in the states.
The Better Together program ended June 2022 but the Go NAPSACC platform continues to be made available free of charge to providers!